Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Witches are out! At Gardners Village

Here is the whole Family. This is such a fun place. It's a little village of shops and food. We went twice already. The kids love Gardners Village.

We also went the the petting zoo! And the kids got to ride a pony! They had so much fun!!

Kaylee is reaching for Daddy!

Here is Grandma and Grandpa with a really cute witch!

Here is Zack, Jessica and DJ.

Here is Mom & Kaylee.

This Witch apparently didn't have the witch below navigating her flight pattern so she crashed into the building.


Anonymous said...

i like......

Chantel said...

Finally, you updated your blog. I love the picture of you and Kaylee, so adorable. You guys look great.

Anonymous said...

AW!! Looks way fun! I miss you!! Come visit!

Auntie K said...

You all look so cute! Your kids are all growing up. Looks like you all had a lot of fun!